
Yhteensä 4372 viestiä

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Kirjoita Haku

07.05.2006 19:13

Viesti: Arska you poor son of a bitch! If you need money just take from anyone you please. That is what I did when I came to America from Austria. Only thing you need to do when you steel money is to ignore your morale.



07.05.2006 19:07

Viesti: I'm very sorry and angry anynomous Handman. I know my American English skills are not perfect but must you tell it to my face. Now I can feel the aggression and blood in my vains is starting to rush in to my muscles. I feel like coming, you know.

Arska you just come here and I will give you all the tips of how to achieve fantastic PUMP. You'll just need to understand the concept of coming, you know.


07.05.2006 18:23

Viesti: Historian siipien havinaa Penkkiauktoriteetilta:

"Joo eli tanko notkuu. Syö pari purkkii "Bench Press Fatt Tits" proteiinia niin eiköhän homma ala taas luistaa ;)"

Nimi: penkkiauktoriteetti


Nimi: -siittä

07.05.2006 18:17

Viesti: Dear Arnold,
I have also heard the rumors that I'm heading for America. As a pitiful student, I'm not sure if I can afford the air ticket. I wonder if you could give me some stunt roles in your forthcoming movies. I hope you could also help me maximize my pench press result, it is now a lousy 85 kg (2 reps). See Ya!

Nimi: Arska

07.05.2006 10:25

Viesti: Yo, gov. Scwarzenegger, you bitch!

We like to spell Handmen with a capital H!

Nimi: Anonymous Handman